“I’m human too” Seh Calaz Speaks

Following accusations of substance abuse and not being there for his family by His then Wife Moira Knight, Seh Calaz speaks.


Award winning Zimdancehall superstar Seh Calaz responded maturely to the accusations and publicly terminated their relationship with his the wife Moira Knight. This is what he had to say:

Ndangandakambonyarara nguva yese inoyi but handingarambe ndakahwanda murunyararo zvamunoziva mese MUSHA MUKADZI uye CHAKAFUKIDZA DZIMBA MATENGA. Handikwanise kuti zvazvandivavira🌶️ nhasi ndotanga kutaura zvakaipa pamusoro pe mudzimai saka ndiregerereiwo ipapo asi chandinokwanisa kutaura ndechekuti kubva ikezvinozvi tichienda mberi wangu musha naMoira hapasisina. Zvenguva ino ndokumbirawo hama ne Shamwari ne press mumbondipawo space handisini wekutanga kana wekupedzisira kusangana ne dambudziko iri. Semunhu ane vana handingataure zvakawanda pajekerere. To all my Fans,Friends and Family who feel like I’ve let them down I humbly apologise Im Sorry I’m human tooo🙏 #iwillbebackstronger#welcomesinglelife#

Seh Calaz